CHT Journey Planner
CHT Journey Planner
Donated by: Steve McLean. Exploring Hand Therapy
Donated by: Steve McLean. Exploring Hand Therapy
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Buy It Now Price: $40
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This planner is designed to help you organize your studies to prepare for the CHT exam. Being organized will reduce stress, improve knowledge retention, allow you to enjoy the study process and provide confidence. The process of choosing how to study, what to study and where to start is overwhelming. The planner is designed to eliminate the burden of such choices. It is designed to help guide you to stress free study. It will help you to organize a structured plan. It does not prescribe you exactly what to do each day – the pages lay out a method for you to fill in what YOU need to do each day/week. Demo pages issued but this is a do-it-yourself journal the pages are ready for you to implement your plan. Includes an organizer for direct hours in practice for HTCC submission Also an organizer for AFTER you obtain your CHT to record courses and recertification required hours This tool will help you plan what to study and for how long The planner provides useful study tips and methods for studying Organizing yourself is more than 1/2 the battle – jump start your studying today. Sample Pages on display are demonstrating what you can do each day – you get to choose the direct plan Demo pages issued but this is a do-it-yourself journal. – Pages are blank for you to fill in Ready? Set? Get Organized: The planner is designed to provide structured timelines You can choose a 12 month, 9 month or 6 month plan The planner provides you the opportunity to establish weekly and monthly goals
A note from The American Hand Therapy Foundation: Our annual online auction is raising money to support our grants and scholarship to promote research and education in hand therapy. All auction proceeds will go directly to support these programs. Thank you to all of the generous donors. We greatly appreciate all of the chapters who are participating in these important programs, and we wish you good luck with your bids!
Item delivery: After you've paid for any auction items that you've won, the event organizer will contact you to coordinate delivery.